Career Scope of Cybersecurity in 2023

Career Scope of Cybersecurity in 2023

Nowadays, organizations have become increasingly vulnerable towards various types of cyber attacks as we have more internet-based computing now. The global business environment is shifting towards online management of data, which makes the demand for cybersecurity high. And this has further increased the demand for cybersecurity professionals in artificial intelligence and data science.

Let’s delve into the potentiality and growth of a career in cybersecurity in the following article.

Table of Contents

What is Cyber Security?

Cybersecurity is all about protecting and recovering networks and devices from malicious attacks. Increasing exposure to the internet has put businesses and our personal lives at risk of various threats. Using the internet is all about being vulnerable to threats.

Cybersecurity seals our data with encryptions by adding security layers to protect it from cyber-attacks. Therefore, public and private organizations invest in cybersecurity experts to safeguard their data from cyber-attacks.

Importance of Cyber Security

In today’s hooked-up world, a single security aperture can cause many consequences. Thus, cybersecurity plays crucial in protecting the breach of data and other malicious happenings.

It secures our data from unauthorized access and prevents thefts with the help of tools like firewalls, antivirus software, MDRs and various other devices. Furthermore, it helps to sustain customers’ trust as data breaches weaken the bond between a customer and the organization. This, in addition, saves the business’s reputation and dignity in the market, which in turn boosts the stakeholder’s trust as well.

Businesses with cybersecurity, add to it a competitive edge over other organizations who do not possess access to cybersecurity experts and tools since it protects a business’s IP(Intellectual property) such as patents and copyrights.

Check our cyber security internship program led by industry-experts having years of experience practicing cyber security and awareness. At Prerogative, this internship course is taught with live-projects and hands-on-experience to get 100% practical knowledge only.

Cyber Security Domains

To have a final decision for the specialization of cybersecurity in a certain sphere, one must first understand various domains present under cybersecurity. Here are the types of cyber securities to be taken into account:

  1. Application Security: Application security, or app sec, secures application data from cyberattacks with the help of certain software, hardware or any other techniques. It is required by an organization during all the phases of development. Nowadays, application security is getting a lot of attention. The end target of application security is to prevent the access, modification or deletion of any sensitive data from any malicious attack.
  2. Network Security: Network security encompasses the protection of the usability and integrity of the network and data. Since, networks nowadays are vulnerable to unlimited potential hackers. And as networks grow more complicated, network security becomes more critical. Each network security layer adds policies and controls, using which, authorized users gain access to data and the network, whereas, malicious attacks are barred from carrying out any kind of threats.
  3. Cloud Security: Cloud security is a speciality in cybersecurity involving cloud computing systems. It is primarily used to keep client data private and safe. It is designed to protect the stored data, data servers, physical networks, operation systems(OS), applications and end-user hardware.
    Cloud security is an array to protect cloud computing systems, applications running in the cloud and data available in the cloud with the help of technology and protocols. Multi-tenant storage and scaling speed have made cloud security very different from other types.
  4. Endpoint Security: Endpoint security is protecting devices, workstations, servers and other devices from cyber threats. Endpoint security software helps to secure the devices that are used by employees in an organization or servers that are either linked to a network or a cloud.
    It quickly determines the malware and cyber-attacks and creates a barrier to downloading and accessing applications that are unsafe and unauthorized. It does not allow data loss with the help of encryption.
  5. IoT Security: IoT Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting IoT devices with the help of tools that protect networks from data breaches to reduce vulnerabilities. It identifies and monitors risks to minimize any further vulnerabilities. Hackers access IoT through Edge(sensors interacting with the physical world), communication networks, or the cloud.
    To increase IoT cybersecurity, one must have devices which are capable of running on software. Another important thing is to have professional support in such cases and here is where the need for cybersecurity experts arises.
  6. Information Security: Information security, also referred to as InfoSec, is designed to save organizations from data breaches and any types of unauthorized access, destruction or disclosure of data. The most common threat vectors are insecure systems, social media attacks, social engineering attacks, third-party breaches and lack of encryption. Jobs in this sector include the Chief Security officer or CISO, security director, IT security architect, security engineer or security systems administrator and information security analyst.

Cybersecurity domain definitely has a great future scope not only in India but all over the world even at a government level. There are various programs of cybersecurity available, but we at Prerogative are offering a cyber security course training program, where learners can learn by actually working on the live-project under a cybersecurity expert. Learners will be assisting the industry-expert.

Cyber Security Internship Program

Future career scope of cyber security in India

Cybersecurity threat experts are the utmost requirement for every business or organization today. Cybersecurity experts can have expertise in various sectors according to the types of cybersecurity required by any organization.

According to corporation statistics, experts see enormous growth and scope in the following domains:

  1. Network Security Engineer: Network Security Engineers are the cybersecurity specialists who deal with the security of the whole network framework ensuring that all the devices and users are operating in a secure space. They enable virus protection, test the weak points in the network and secure the network from any future security breaches. They use various network monitoring tools such as firewalls, switches, routers, etc. They also need to be in touch with all the new types of threats evolving in the future every day.
    Network security engineers are required in every domain nowadays due to the increased level of digitalization. They are required in tech companies primarily, such as CISCO, and even in hospitals, banks as well as colleges and universities to secure massive networks.
  2. Security Architect: A cybersecurity architect designs the organization’s security architecture and identifies potential security vulnerabilities and designs solutions to prevent those vulnerabilities. They must have substantial problem-solving skills. They work with other IT professionals such as software developers and network security engineers to respond to such kinds of vulnerabilities efficiently.
    There are different types of security architecture depending on the type of organization they work for, such as cloud security architects, and similarly, enterprise, application, network, and information security architects are required in all such different concerns.
  3. Chief Information Security Officer (CISO): The CISO is a senior-level security official, responsible for technical and informational security issues of the organization. CISO with his unique viewpoints, identifies the cyber threats and recommends suitable strategies to deal with them while boosting business outcomes. He drives a strategy and develops and implements security systems used to detect, prevent, mitigate and recover from cyberattacks.
    CISOs interact with other C-suite executives, such as the CEO, Chief executive officer, to ensure that cyber security policies are in alignment with the business missions of the enterprise or the organization.
  4. Cybersecurity Engineer: Cyber security engineer, also known as information security engineer, as well as data security engineer, is the most demanded person in this field. A cyber security engineer plays a priceless role in an organization by maintaining its security posture. He helps to design, enforce and monitor the security features that provide security against unauthorized access and other threats.
    Cybersecurity engineers are subjected to remain up to date on the latest IT trends and emerging threats. They perform penetration tests as well as are involved in developing an organization’s disaster recovery plan.
  5. Cloud Security Engineer: Increasing cloud-based cyber threats increase the need for cloud security engineers. A cloud security engineer maintains a security system for an organization’s cloud computing environment for protection against malicious threats. They create cloud-based programs to recognise and stop any threats to the cloud systems. They allay cloud-based security hazards by creating security controls for the cloud.
    Cloud security engineers set up firewalls, such as access control, data encryption and network security, to protect cloud servers, databases and sites hosted in cloud infrastructure. For this purpose, they are required in a broad spectrum of industries, including IT and cybersecurity, healthcare, finance, banking, government, e-commerce as well as manufacturing industries.
  6. Ethical Hacker: Ethical Hacking is the legitimate attempt to gain illegitimate access to a computer system or data. An ethical hacker duplicates the actions of unauthorized access by hackers. They identify the possible susceptibility to a security breach and resolve it before the malicious attacker has the opportunity to apply it.
    The objective of an ethical hacker is opposite to that of a malicious hacker. An ethical hacker’s work remains completely legal and work’s with the approval of the organization.
  7. Computer Forensics Analyst: A computer forensics analyst or a digital forensics analyst conducts the work, from collecting digital evidence for law enforcement agencies to tracking the sources of cybercrimes in the private sector. A nosy mind and a strong knowledge of computer science are all needed by a digital forensics analyst. They help retrieve information from computers, mobile phones and other storage devices and this retrieved data helps them further in criminal investigations or as evidence in case of any cyber crimes.
  8. Malware Analyst: A malware analyst is a person who combats common cyber threats and malware from all angles. They examine and identify the nature of cyber threats such as viruses, worms, bots and Trojan horses. Malware analysts need to stay up to date on the latest malware techniques and methods.
    A malware analyst must have enough programming skills and enough ability to work with high-level programming languages.
  9. Information Security Manager: Information Security Managers act as the brain of the organization’s IT and information security teams. They are responsible for higher-level information security tasks. They also train information security personnel during onboarding. They interact with other department managers within the organization about the information security goals and new programs effectively.
  10. Cybersecurity Incident Manager: Incident Managers belong to the IT staff with whom employees and other staff interact whenever they feel confused. They take necessary steps and help businesses to return to normal procedures as quickly as possible. To function adequately, they must possess technical skills, an approach to tools and information, and a customer-service psyche to connect to users.
    They keep incident status up to date and maintain daily communication with the analyst team, as well as oversee all the aspects from evaluation to resolution.

Job Security in Cybersecurity

With all above mentioned various domains, the job market will be improving in cybersecurity in the coming years. A number of departments under government organizations and a wide range of industries hire cybersecurity experts. There are a number of cybersecurity jobs available, but there aren’t enough people to fill in those spaces, since they are not appropriately trained. With such credentials, they will have admittance to astounding and money-making employment opportunities.

Become an Ethical Hacker


Since, there is a considerable amount of imbalance between supply and demand, with only concern, is the lack of qualified cybersecurity personnel. Job opportunities in cybersecurity are bound to grow, both in India and even across the globe. Terminating the discussion, we can say that without a doubt, cybersecurity is going to be a fruitful pick.

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Career Scope of Cyber Security FAQ's


With the advancement of technology, the demand for cybersecurity has increased manifold. Cybersecurity professionals earn more than other tech jobs. They are paid well off.

No, cybersecurity is not hard to learn although it requires knowledge of cryptography and areas that require some technological knowledge. it doesn't require more of a technological background.

Different tools are associated with cyber security. Some of them are listed below:

  • Wireshark
  • Web Security
  • Nmap
  • Metasploit
  • Ncatin

The average salary of a cybersecurity analyst in India is around 5 lakh to 7 lakh. They are paid well off depending upon their level of experience.

The main responsibility of cybersecurity analysts is to detect the network traffic for security incidents and to investigate them in real-time events. They have sound knowledge of the behavior of cyber criminals, malware, and cyber-attacks and try to prevent them.