What is Cyber Security?

What is Cyber Security?

The word Cybersecurity itself indicates securing our cyber, i.e., our computer world, or more specifically, our internet world. It is all about protecting our system and sensitive information from all sorts of digital attacks. Nowadays, we see a lot of cyber attacks, not only individually and in business, but in every ground possible.

Now, let’s know what cyber security is and its advantages, disadvantages, types, fundamentals, and career opportunities in cyber security through the article below.

What is Cyber Security?

Cybersecurity saves our servers, mobile phones, computers, and other network systems from cyber attacks. This practice by enterprises is performed to secure their data and information from thefts, damage, and unauthorised access to computerised malware systems.

An active cyber security system brings good surveillance against harmful attacks designed to access, delete, destroy, or obtain an individual’s or a system’s sensitive data. Also, with the increased rush of delicate data, the importance of cyber security particularly, computer security has increased.

In today’s internet-centred world, the need for digital security is of utmost importance. Hence, governments, businesses, and individuals invest in cyber security to safeguard their data from cyber crimes.

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Importance of Cyber Security

Just a single security aperture can have a large number of consequences in today’s hooked-up world. And this single breach can affect a lot of bad ways, such as losing a consumer’s trust as well as the reputation of the business and many more devastating consequences, which may affect a business financially.

Advantages of Cyber Security

Performing such a crucial role it has various perks, some of which are as follows:

  1. Protecting sensitive data from hackers: Cyber security secures sensitive data from unauthorised hackers, assisting in upholding privacy and preventing thefts. It uses tools such as firewalls, antivirus software, MDRs, and others for cyber protection.
  2. Saves the Business’s Dignity: Cyber attacks lead to reputational damage to the business or the organisation. Cyber security avoids threats to a business and boosts the stakeholders’ trust.
  3. Sustains customers’ trust: Cyber attacks and data breaches weaken the bond of trust between the organisation and the customers, thus, reducing brand loyalty.
  4. Assist remote working: After COVID-19, a large number of people have started working from home from their networks, increasing the threat to businesses. Cyber security expert maintains productivity while reducing the threats associated with remote working.
  5. Competitive edge: Organisations with robust cyber security access have a competitive edge over others who do not prioritise cyber security.
  6. Spying harmful and undesirable files: Cyber security detects the vulnerability in cyber security and data which are yet to be installed. It prevents malware, spyware and viruses from attacking by deleting the files with such threats immediately and adding computer security.
  7. Restoration of deleted data: Any kind of interruption by the malware can completely eradicate the data. Cyber security companies, in such cases, help restore the data and help sustain the business.
  8. Protecting intellectual property: Cyber security protects the IP(Intellectual Property) such as patents, and copyrights, increasing the competitive advantage of the organisation.
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Disadvantages of Cyber Security

Let’s talk about the disadvantages now, which are as follows:

  1. Expensive task: Organisations have to buy certain digital securities to reduce or prevent cyber-attacks. This increases their expenditures, which becomes a difficult task in the case of small and medium businesses.
  2. Complications in handling: In today’s advanced cyber threats, it becomes a very complex task to manage all the peripherals of cyber attacks. Cyber security experts are required in such cases to avoid such damages.
  3. Difficulty for users: Cyber security involves frequent password changes and multiple-factor authentication, which does not make it user-friendly and sometimes, even reduces the productivity level.
  4. Ineffective against insider threats: Cyber security does not sound successful in case of insider attacks as these hackers have access to networks, systems and data and cyber security is sometimes unable to detect and prevent such insider attacks.
  5. Stabilising security and practice: A Strict cyber security system obstructs the user's security and productivity and enables them from finding a correct balance between the both.
  6. Retards working of the system: Stringent security measures consisting of multiple-factor authentications and multiple passwords make the whole system work slowly, thus consuming a lot of time and reducing the productivity of the person working on it.
  7. Continuous surveillance: Cyber security is not just a one-time thing, and thus, requires consistent cyber security monitoring and updations. It requires uninterrupted consideration and requires years of effort, study and experiments to build up a strong cybersecurity system.

Types of CyberSecurity

Cybersecurity is a crucial part of personal, professional, social, and working space, and so are the different types of cyber securities designed to secure data on various grounds. Let’s talk about these now.

  1. Application Security: It secures software applications from internet threats causing susceptibility.
  2. Network Security: Almost all of the cyber security threats occur through accessing the network and hence network security works on shielding the networks from unauthorised access.
  3. Cloud Security: Various cyber security companies use cloud computing to store their data and applications. Hence, cloud security performs a vital function in securing the cloud’s information.
  4. Endpoint Security: Endpoint security works to safeguard mobiles, desktops, laptops and tablets, etc. from cyber threats.
  5. Mobile Security: With mobile phones and tablets having access to all corporate data, it needs digital security from all phishing and other malicious attacks.
  6. IoT Security: It involves various protocols and techniques to safeguard the network and connected devices.
  7. Information Security: It secures the privacy of data, both in transit and at rest. It secures the information from unwanted access, misuse and disruption.
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Career opportunities in Cyber Security

The importance of cyber threat intelligence in different domains also explains the job opportunities it provides in all of them. Some of the job opportunities in top cybersecurity companies are as follows:

  1. Network Security Engineer: It is an integral part of any organisation. They watch over the firewalls, routers, switches and VPNs(Virtual Private Networks). They work within the organisation to prevent internet threats.
  2. Security Architect: The security architecture creates a strong network and computer security architecture for the company. It works according to the need of the company to design the same.
  3. Chief Information Security Officer (CISO): The CISO is a senior-level officer who takes care of the complete information security of an organisation. They control all the security policies within an organisation.
  4. Cyber Security Engineer: Cybersecurity engineer provides protective network measures to safeguard the organisation from cyber threats.
  5. Cloud Security Engineer: A cloud security engineer provides the security of the cloud-based networks and connected systems of the organisation.
  6. Ethical Hacker: An ethical hacker, also known as the penetration tester, exploits the system with the mindset of that of the hacker. It conducts various security tests based on the needs. Ethical Hackers are of great importance in the market today as they save the organisation from high-level cyber-attacks through the cyber security expert’s knowledge.
  7. Computer Forensics Analyst: They work on cyber attack cases and retrieve all the stolen and deleted data.
  8. Malware Analyst: They secure the data and information from malware attacks by creating malware protection tools and help in the planning and upgrading of security measures and controls.
  9. Information Security Manager: They detect the loopholes in data and networking systems that make the data susceptible to various cyber threats. They ensure that the company’s data, strategy and information do not get hacked.
  10. Incident Managers: They are the ones that are hired by any organisation to resolve security incidents. They must have good aptitude and problem-solving skills.


In today's digital world, every sector is incomplete without computers which explains to us the importance of cyber security especially, computer security in all domains. Cyber Threat Intelligence is a vital part of today’s life, in both personal and business, to shield the network and data from all internet threats. Therefore, it must be a priority to safeguard the data and minimise the risks from all sources of such malicious cyber threats.

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Cybersecurity is the protective shield of internet-connected systems from cyber attacks. Enterprises use it to protect their information and data from damage and unauthorised access. With the increased rush of delicate data, the need for cybersecurity has increased tremendously.

The global trends show that threats of cybersecurity have increased tremendously in recent years. In the pandemic year cybercriminals took advantage of misaligned businesses the malware attacks have increased by 386%as compared to 2019. The increased threats are due to unorganized internet-connected systems.

Malware is software that is created to disrupt or exploit the client or the computer server. Different types of malware software are computer viruses, worms, trojans, and spyware. It also obstructs users' security and privacy. Cybercriminals use this to hack the data and grip the victims for financial gain.

Ransomware is software designed to block access to a computer system until some amount is paid. It stays on the device to infect the other files on the device. Use of anti-malware software can be used to remove this.

Some of the benefits of cyber security are listed below :

  • It helps to protect sensitive data from unauthorised hackers.
  • It avoids threats to business and boosts the stakeholder's trust.
  • It prevents malware, spyware, and viruses from attacking by deleting files with such threats.
  • It protects intellectual property such as patents and copywrites.